
Drone Sports India

Drone Soccer is a fast-growing robotics sport around the world. Drone Soccer represents an exciting evolution of drone racing that is team-based, full contact, and spectator friendly. We believe that this novel drone sport is a unique opportunity to inspire thousands of young students.


The Thrilling Dynamics of Drone Soccer

Gameplay Overview

Engage in a dynamic match where two teams, each controlling nimble quadcopter drones within a netted arena, strive to outmaneuver each other and score goals through vertical hoops.

Roles and Objectives

Discover specialized roles from strategic Strikers scoring goals to agile Defenders ensuring team protection, all under the guidance of skilled Operators maneuvering drones from the sidelines.

Rules and Regulations

Dive into the adrenaline-filled gameplay where full-contact tactics meet precise timekeeping, and teams adeptly navigate through goals, restarts, and in-game repairs.

Technical Aspects

Explore the technical depth of drone soccer, from building and programming your own drones to customizing them with advanced components, fostering a rich learning experience in mechanics and electronics.


Building the foundation for future innovators and team players

Strategic Flights

Master the skies with precision piloting, where every maneuver is a lesson in strategy and agility.

Team Building

Build a team that works together, learning to communicate and collaborate for the win.

Drone Engineering

Get into the nuts and bolts of drones, learning to rebuild and reprogram for the ultimate tech know-how.

Leadership Dynamics

Forge leaders through teamwork challenges, cultivating the decision-makers of tomorrow.

STEM & Robotics

Unleash potential with hands-on robotics and STEM skills that turn play into innovative learning.

Aerospace Pathways

Chart a course to the stars and beyond with career skills that open doors to the high-flying aerospace industry.